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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Should the WikiLeaks founder be brought up on criminal/Terrorist charges?

Julian Assange, Founder of WikiLeaks
Sarah Palin just also stated that she believes that founder Julian Assange
"He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al-Qaida and Taliban leaders?"

They are debating whether the Espionage Act applies, and to whom, according to this official, who spoke anonymously to discuss an ongoing criminal investigation. Other charges also might be possible, including theft of government property or receipt of stolen government property.
Rep. Peter King of New York(From a Long Island town by me) called for Assange to be charged under the Espionage Act and asked whether WikiLeaks can be designated a terrorist organization.
But Assange has portrayed himself as a crusading journalist: He told ABC News by e-mail that his latest batch of State Department documents would expose "lying, corrupt and murderous leadership from Bahrain to Brazil." He told Time magazine he targets only "organizations that use secrecy to conceal unjust behavior."

The cables were obtained, via WikiLeaks, by the New York Times, the Guardian of Britain, Der Spiegel of Germany, Le Monde of France and El Pais of Spain.

What do you think? Is WikiLeaks a terrorist organization, should Assange be tried as a terrorist, or is he just a news journalist doing this job?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

National Unfriend Day by Jimmy Kimmel

On a recent Jimmy Kimmell, he made a call to the world to promote November 17, 2010 National UnFriend Day [NUD] as a new holiday he hopes will inspire Facebook users to unfriend the social networking contacts that aren't real friends.
Facebook was once the social networking site we chose over MySpace to connect with our real friends; but over the years, many of us have accumulated dozens, if not hundreds, of Facebook friends that are, in fact, not actually our friends.
Kimmel believes there are 5 reasons:
Some of the "unfriending" logic being preached on the internet today?

1. They're your mom

2. You don't actually know them

3. You've hidden them on your newsfeed because their status updates are too annoying

4. They send you invite after invite after invite to everything from quizzes and games to lame charity cause parties

5. You were friends in high school ... and haven't spoken since

Maybe Jimmy Kimmel is getting to a point of how out of control friending is on SNS sites. The promotion of facebook being an aspect to a national holiday is interesting because its showing how far facebook has come in the past few years.